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5 Interview Question Generators for Recruiters [2024 List]

In this article

Andreea Macoveiciuc
Growth Marketing, Carv
Growth Marketing Manager at Carv

Coming up with relevant interview questions is crucial for getting the right people in, but it’s also one of the repetitive tasks most recruiters would rather automate.

Until recently, the preferred solution for skipping this task was using templates and slightly personalizing the questions reflect the company culture and hiring manager’s specific needs.

However, with AI, recruiters no longer need to rely on templates. They can feed an AI assistant a job title and some job requirements, or even better, a recording of an intake call, and let the AI come up with the right questions for that specific vacancy.

So in this article we’ll look at the top AI interview question generators out there, to help you speed up this step of the recruitment process, while ensuring you only get top talent in.


We’ll start with Carv - the AI assistant for agency recruiters. Carv joins recruiters where they work and takes over the admin, so they can focus on candidates and clients, and get 20-40% of their daily time back.

Most of the tools on this list generate questions by taking some manual input, such as a job title, a job requirements document, or bullet points describing the hiring manager’s needs.

Carv, on the other hand, joins recruiters' meetings—whether they are interviews, intake calls, or debrief sessions—records everything that’s being said and taking notes; afterwards, it turns the meeting context into ready-to-use output documents.

To prepare interview questions, Carv uses the input from an intake call with the hiring manager and generates the questions automatically, so no manual intervention is needed from the recruiter.

The format of the output document, as well as the style and tone, can be customized to fit the employer brand. Moreover, the recruiter can edit the generated questions or ask the AI workmate to adjust the document to better reflect the hiring manager's requirements.

The advantage of using Carv over generic interview question generators is that the AI assistant has access to the exact same context that the recruiter or the human resources team works with - meaning the same documents, candidate profiles, and recruitment meetings.

As a result, the AI assistant can come up with highly specific questions tailored not only to the job role but also to the candidate being interviewed.

For example, if the recruiter has a pre-screening call recording and an intake call or a job requirements document, these data sources can be fed to the AI, and Carv will generate personalized questions.

The recruiter can instruct the AI workmate on the types of questions to generate—for example, questions related to teamwork, motivation for changing jobs, or questions to assess analytical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Carv’s AI workmate can support the recruiter with all of this admin work, automating this step of the hiring process.


  • AI workmate: This is Carv’s AI assistant, which joins recruiters in all their meetings—whether face-to-face, online, or by phone—taking notes and providing summaries, transcripts, and action points after each call.
  • Pre-defined output docs: Depending on the type of meeting, Carv creates documents like candidate profiles, job descriptions, or candidate write-ups, giving recruiters their time back. The AI workmate can use templates provided by the recruiter to adjust the format, style, and tone of the output docs.
  • Integrations: Carv integrates with a recruiter’s calendar, meeting tools, and ATS, connecting all the sources of information used in the recruitment process and automatically pre-filling the ATS fields with data from intake calls and interviews.
  • Pricing: Recruiters can try Carv for free for the first 5 meetings. The Recruiter Pro plan offers unlimited meetings for €60 a month. Recruitment agencies can opt for the Custom plan, which includes integrations with various ATSs.
  • Try it for free here.


GoHire is a recruitment platform that helps agencies and recruiters source and screen talent, conduct interviews, and improve the candidate experience.

GoHire offers a free interview question generator available to both users and non-users. All you have to do is enter the job title, and the tool will generate a list of 20 questions in 30 seconds.

However, it’s worth noting that the questions are generic and do not delve deeply into the job role. They can serve as a good starting point for your interview questions, but you’ll need to personalize them to reflect your company culture, the role’s level of seniority, and the stage in the interview process.

Another disadvantage is that the questions aren’t grouped into specific buckets, and you can’t choose the type of interview this is, or the type of questions to create - for example, structured or unstructured.


  • GoHire offers a series of free tools next to the interview question generator to help recruiters speed up the admin tasks. These include a careers page content generator, a job description generator, a LinkedIn message generator for personalized outreach messages to attract top talent on the SM platform, and an onboarding checklist generator for new hires.
  • Pricing: The tool offers a 14-day free trial. The paid plans start at $99 per month, with the cheapest one offering three active job posts. All of GoHire’s plans include access to 15+ free and paid job boards.
  • Try the interview questions generator for free here.


Just like GoHire, Workable offers a free interview question generator that takes the job title as input, and returns a series of generic questions, along with a description of the role.

However, the output is a bit more structured than with other tools, in the sense that the questions are grouped into buckets, with options to show follow-up questions too.

For example, for a Senior AE role, the tool generated Welcoming questions, Problem-solving approach, Project management expertise, Team collaboration, and Closing questions. The output can be edited or copied as it is.


  • Workable is a hiring platform for in-house teams, offering a suite of functionalities for sourcing, evaluating, and hiring candidates. It helps recruiters source passive candidates, automatically post open positions across a multitude of platforms, and evaluate job seekers fairly and consistently, to hire the best candidates.
  • Next to the sourcing, evaluation, and scheduling features, Workable also offers functionalities for automating repetitive hiring tasks and ensuring compliance during the hiring process.
  • Pricing: The Starter plan costs $149 per month and is intended for occasional hiring and essential HR. The Standard plan starts at $360 per month, while the Premier plan starts at $599 per month. Workable offers many add-ons for each tier, making pricing dynamic but complex.
  • Try the free tools here.


SmallRecruiter offers several free tools including a free AI interview questions generator.

Users have to enter the job title along with the job description or hiring criteria, and can select the language of the output. Once requirements are added, the tool generates a list of interview questions along with a short explanation for each of them.

The output is mostly generic, but you can improve it by adding more details in the job description field. However, it will likely need heavy editing before using it in the interview.


  • SmallRecruiter offers a suite of tools such as a salary benchmarking tool, offer letter generator, a job description generator, and a boolean string generator. These are all useful to recruiters, but relatively basic, as they lack context, tone of voice, and company specifics.
  • Pricing: All the tools are free, with no add-ons or integrations.
  • Try it here.


Another free tool that helps recruiters generate interview questions in seconds is the one from Reed. The tool takes as input the job title, seniority level, and sector, as well as a series of soft skills the successful candidates should have.

Based on these, it generates a set of interview questions that can be edited, reorganized, or adjusted with different skills, to fit recruiters’ needs better. The output can be copied or downloaded and shared with other team members.

Although it offers more input options, Reed’s tool offers less flexibility than the other tools on the list, as users have to select the values for the job title, seniority, and industry, from a drop-down list. Not ideal.


  • Reed is a recruitment agency that supports with permanent and temporary recruitment, as well as with executive search. It works with both companies and candidates, and their main expertise is in accounting and finance, education, and tech.
  • Try the interview question generator here.

Over to you

As you can see, there are plenty of AI interview question generators available, but most work the same way—taking basic inputs like job titles or requirements and returning fairly generic questions.

While tools like GoHire, Workable, and SmallRecruiter can be useful for getting a quick start, they often require manual tweaks to make the questions relevant to your specific role or company culture.

Carv, however, stands out by offering a more tailored approach. By joining intake calls and gathering context directly from conversations, it generates personalized interview questions that align with both the job and the specific needs of the hiring manager.

This means less manual work for recruiters and more relevant, targeted interviews—giving Carv a clear advantage over other tools on the list.

AI-Powered Recruitment

Cut Admin, Boost Hiring
with Carv

Carv is AI purpose-built to take over admin tasks related to intake calls & interviews.